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Plastic fly curtains

Fresh air, but no flies or other flying insects in the house. With a plastic fly screen, you can leave your garden or balcony door open on beautiful summer days. Our cast-iron plastic fly screens also let in plenty of light as they are semi-transparent. So you can enjoy the beautiful weather even more!

Highly effective against flies

The big secret of our plastic fly curtains? It's the cords, which are very tight thanks to the careful suspension. And because they are made of robust plastic, they stay taut. So your plastic fly curtain always looks nice and tidy and keeps flies and other flying insects away.

I just have to hang it up

We supply our plastic fly curtains ready-made. Depending on the door, you can choose a standard size or a customised fly screen. Do you need help measuring your door frame? Then take a look at our measuring guide. This way, you can be sure that your plastic fly screen really fits! Handy to know: you can easily shorten plastic fly screens yourself with scissors.

Diverse selection

Transparent with a colour, a special shape or a playful glitter effect: we have the perfect plastic fly screen for every interior. What's particularly nice is that our plastic fly screens are available at a favourable price. That's affordable pleasure!

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5 tips against flies Flying in winter The fly: a real disease vector
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Flycurtain-Expert B.V.
Binnendijk 5a
5705 CH Helmond

+31 (0)492 320 819 info@flycurtain-expert.co.uk

Monday: 08:00-17:00
Tuesday: 08:00-17:00
Wednesday: 08:00-17:00
Thursday: 08:00-17:00
Friday: 08:00-17:00

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