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5 tips against flies

Flies are attracted to everything that makes our homes cosy. Warmth, light, good food: they love it. And when they have found a nice spot? Then the fly secretes pheromones. This is a substance they use to let other flies know: "It's great here! Come with me! And before you know it, the house is full of flies. But how do you get rid of them? We have the best tips for you.

Tip 1: Keep them away!

The best way to keep flies out of your home is to keep windows and doors closed. But on a beautiful summer's day, you naturally want to let fresh air in and be able to go from inside to outside without a care in the world. That's when fly screens for your windows and fly curtains for your exterior doors are ideal.

Tip 2: Clean well

Then perhaps the least funny tip: clean. The cleaner your home and outdoor area are, the less attractive they are to flies. Wipe the table well after eating so that no crumbs or drops of the sweet drink are left behind. Use cleaning vinegar or an all-purpose cleaner with a lemon scent, which flies don't like.

Tip 3: Cover your food

Flies love food. Sweet, savory, raw or cooked, they don't care. Therefore, do not leave any food outside the fridge. Avoid fruit and vegetables on hot summer days. Will you be eating outside? Then cover the food with a fly bonnet or foil.

Tip 4: Grandmother's remedies

There are hundreds of well-known tips against flies on the internet. Do they all work equally well? We're not convinced. But it certainly can't hurt to try them out. One tip that is often mentioned is to hang a bag of water in the entrance. With or without a few 5 cent coins in it. A fly sees its reflection magnified many times over and is frightened by it. Pendants with mirrors have the same effect. Flypapers are another frequently used tool. Do not remove them if there is a dead fly on them, as flies are attracted to other flies.

Tip 5: Fragrances that flies don't like

The internet mum also always has lots of tips when it comes to herbal remedies. Flies don't like cloves. Put a few of them in a bowl of water or stick them in a lemon. This also seems to work well against wasps. Flies don't like garlic and onions either. Boil a mash of them and put it on the windowsill. Don't want any smelly rubbish in the house? Lavender and basil also seem to repel flies. Nice for us, dirty for the flies. Perfect!

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