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Installation of sleeves and luxury fly curtains

Are you opting for a DIY sleeve fly curtain or a luxury fly curtain? Then thread the fly curtain yourself. It's easy, it just takes a little time.

Threading sleeves and luxury fly screens

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You make the flyscreen track by track, from bottom to top.

  1. Start with a standard hook and hold the wide side down.
  2. Slide the sleeve over it until you can only see part of the top of the hook.
  3. Insert a new hook with the wide side through the small opening.
  4. Slide a new sleeve over it. Repeat this process until the work is finished.
  5. Place an end hook at the end of the rail.
  6. Hook the track into the rails with the end hook.

The number of sleeves you need to use per track can be found in your set. This depends on the type of curtain. For curtains with a figure, you will receive an easy-to-follow pattern. This way you know exactly which sleeve belongs where.

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